TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Bologna June 8-14, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

TRIBAL REALITIES Strikes Back: Live Painting Performance@Bologna!

Ultimamente, ho dipinto tanto, giorno e notte... in uno stato di trance. Quest'ultima ondata creativa ha trovato naturalmente il consenso di Michela e Damiano --> in altre parole, torno a Bologna per una performance di pittura dal vivo. Il flyer è quassù, guardate un pò che combino questa volta...

Lately I've been painting a & nite inna trance state. This new wave of creativity naturally met Michela & Damiano's plaudit -->so, I'll be back in Bologna this week for a LIVE PAINTING PERFORMANCE. Flyer is up there, check it out!

See you there. Ci vediamo ai Giardini Fava, Bologna.

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Monday, June 15, 2009

Giardini Fava Rulez

Fresh...a Fresh, Green Point of Light in the middle of Bologna's chaotic heat. Different people take part in unique events...until the end of October.Check 'em out!
Un Fresco, Verde Punto di Luce nel bel mezzo del caldo caotico di Bologna. Persone diverse prendono parte a singolari eventi...fino alla fine di Ottobre. Fateci un salto!

Ecco un assaggio dei Giardini Fava: godetevi questo bel video dei miei amici CHROMORAMA PROJECTILE + BOKU

Enjoy a taste of Giardini Fava: watch this awesome video from my friends CHROMORAMA PROJECTILE + BOKU

Saturday, June 06, 2009

TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition

Grazie alle fiorenti sinergie con Associazione Universo (Nuff Respekt To: Damiano & Miki) sono ben lieto di annunciarvi:
TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Giardini Fava Bologna June 8-14, 2009

Ri-qualificazione Urbana + Ri-generazione Energetica: nel Piccolo Cuore Verde di Bologna, venite a sperimentare nuove discipline, nuove realtà, nuovi orizzonti di vita. Veniteci a trovare.

* Marco Katana

I Giardini G.Fava dove sono?
via Don Minzoni, vicino piazza Martiri e la stazione ferroviaria, appena dentro le mura

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Rain Forest - Ambient New Age Reiki Music Video

TRIBAL REALITIES in full effect!
Forests are Sacred Spaces. I go there - alone or together with other people - to Meditate, Chant and Beat My Shamanic Drum. Wanna Come? In the meantime, enjoy this video:
Rain Forest - Ambient New Age Reiki Music Video

Le Foreste sono Spazi Sacri Ci vado - da solo o insieme ad altre persone - a Meditare, Cantare e Percuotere il Mio Tamburo Sciamanico. Volete venire anche voi? Nel frattempo, godetevi questo video:
Rain Forest - Ambient New Age Reiki Music Video

Kisses from Your Favourite Shaman,

Thank You Avellino & Friends!

TRL workshop was a big success: extra-ordinary experiences with extra-ordinary people!Shamanism, Meditation, IKING, Reiki, Dub Reggae, Veg cooking and lotta FUN!

Il workshop TRIBAL REALITIES LIVE! è stato un successone di pubblico e di critica: 4 giorni di Sciamanesimo, Meditazione, IKING, Reiki, Dub Reggae, Cucina Vegetariana, Amicizia & Divertimento!
L'Energia dei Tuoi Boschi e delle Tue Montagne è sempre nel mio Cuore:
Grazie Avellino!
Voglio ringraziare tutte le splendide persone che hanno partecipato e rinnovare loro l'invito a proseguire sul Luminoso Sentiero.
Ho messo un pò di foto qui
Keep It Tribal! Keep It Real!

Bacioni dal Vostro Sciamano Preferito,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Vivi-Amo le Realtà del Tribale = Le Genuine Vibrazioni del Nostro Centro Interiore!
"TRANS-FORMAZIONE" La Ricerca dei Percorsi di Evoluzione dell'Anima.Workshop Introduttivo
( Meditazione, Mantra, Reiki, Sciamanesimo)
Live the REALITIES of the TRIBAL = Your Genuine Inner Core Vibes!
TRIBAL REALITIES !LIVE! Introductory Workshop
(Meditation, Mantra, Reiki, Shamanism)

Giovedi 28 Maggio 2009, dalle 20:00 alle 21:30
Centro A.S. Lyceum, Via Terminio 11 (adiacente locale "Siddharta")

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Sunday, May 17, 2009

TR9 Video: Strangers inna Strange Land

Ciao!Lampedusa mi ricorda tanto Ellis Island, e a voi?
While editing TR9, I produced a brand new video: Strangers inna Strange Land.
From Ellis Island to Lampedusa Island.

Lately, the inhabitants of "Fortress Europe" forgot they have been migrants themselves, back in the days....
So here's a brief summary of Migration Flows & Routes...
US govt: what is the migration policy today?
Your Left Index Finger, Your Right Index Finger…
"Fortress Europe" & Italy: New Migration Flows & Routes
Italian Govt is returning migrants to Lybia,violating the Non-refoulement principle and the rights of asylum seekers.

UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees, backed by the secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, expressed “grave concern”. New policy was censured by the Council of Europe...

DANGER: Italy, right of Asylum Seeker & Non-Refoulement Pirinciple under Threat!
THINK: It’s a controversial issue, Use Your Brain & Share Opinions with Others to Collectively Solve It…

TRIBAL REALITIES productions = my conscious video editing + my original hip-hop vibez = makes ya think!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

TR9 pre-production: generando contenuto, connettendo persone/churning-out content, networking people

Ho appena fatto queste stickers, stampatele e distribuitele, che dite?
La fase di pre-produzione è cominciata anche per il Numero 9 di TRIBAL REALITIES underground visual magazine. Tra le dinamiche di questo numero si addensano Migrazione, Principio di Non-Refoulement (non respingimento)& diritti dei richiedenti asilo, Cittadinanza Terrestre. Se siete interessati a collaborare, contattatemi su...


Just produced these stickers, print 'em out and pass it around, uh?
TR9: Pre-production stage is here. Some of the themes & dynamics of this issue: Migration, Non-refoulement, Earth's Citizenship...

if you are interested to team-up on this edition, feel free to contact me at:

Stay Tribal! Stay Real!

P.S. nel frattempo guardate la video rotazione di TR9 /in the meantime, watch the TR9 video rotation

Friday, May 08, 2009

Know ThySelf!Conosci Te Stesso!

vi presenta il nuovo video "Know ThySelf"

Le parole iscritte sul Tempio dell'Oracolo di Delfi riecheggiano nei discorsi di Marcus Garvey, per ricordarci che conoscere Sé Stessi è sentire di non avere Padroni!Piego il capo solo dinanzi al mio unico vero Signore: La Divinità!
Ho recuperato riprese video dell'epoca e l'audio originale del celebre discorso di NewYork Luglio 1921, miscelando il tutto con la mie vibrazioni dub-elettroniche.
E' giunto il momento di essere padroni di noi stessi, di conoscere il nostro Sé.
Buona Visione!

TRIBAL REALITIES productions present: "Know ThySelf"

Marcus Garvey in his "Man Know Thyself" article said:
"For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master.(...)To me, a man has no master but God."

His words are rightful. Through conscious montage, I blended original video footage (public domain video ) & audio from Garvey's seminal speech ("Explanation of the Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association" New York, July 1921) with my electronica-dub-vibez.Enjoy!
It's time to Master Your-Self. It's time to Know Thy-Self!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TR8: Resurrection, Feminine Powers & San Graal inna Spring Sauce

TRIBAL REALITIES Issue8 Beta5 TRIBAL REALITIES Issue8 Beta5 marco spada Visions,Verses & Vibes from Higher Dimensions.This issue deals with Resurrection Change, Feminine Powers & San Graal.

FInally TR8 is here. Spring stimulated the arising of the Feminine Powers of Creation, therefore Resurrection in on di way: Re-Vive! My paintings wants to stimulate your Intellect. Thus, ask question, be curious and CHANGE!

Finalmente TR8 è on-line. La Primavera (e la Pastiera) hanno stimolato l'emersione dei Poteri Femminili della Creazione, dunque la Resurrezione è in arrivo. Rinascita! Le mie opere vogliono stimolare i vostri Intelletti. Pertanto, fatevi domande, siate curiosi e CAMBIATE!

Sai Ram!
*Marco Spada

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Waka waka waka...

Lately, I am listening a lot to Fela Kuti and his AfroBeat. Have you heard about him?
Smooth flow of music, dropping words like bombs. Soft outside, hard inside. Ultimamente, sto ascoltando tanto Fela Kuti ed il suo AfroBeat. L'avete mai ascoltato? Un flusso morbido di musica, ogni parola è una bomba sganciata. Soffice all'esterno, ma duro all'interno.
ecco il testo di una delle sue canzoni.(Il video è su TR8 video rotation)
Lyrics from "Coffin for Head of State". ( video is on TR8 video rotation)

Amen, Amen, Amen...

Amen, Amen, Amen!

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
By the grace of Almighty Lord
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
By the grace of Almighty Lord
"In Spiritus Christus..."
"Allah Wakubar Mohammed Salamalekum..."

Waka, waka, waka!

So I waka waka waka
I go many places
I see my people
Them dey cry cry cry
Amen, Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
I say I waka waka waka...

I waka many village anywhere in Africa
I waka many village anywhere in Africa
Pastor's house na him dey fine pass
My people them dey stay for poor surroundings
Pastor's dress na him dey clean pass
E hard for my people for them to buy soap
Pastor na him them give respect pass
And them do bad bad bad bad bad bad things

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)...

Waka, waka, waka!

So I waka waka waka
I go many places
I go business places
I see see see
All the bad bad bad things
Them dey do do do

Call corruption
Them dey call nepotism
Inside the promotions
And inside all business
I say I waka waka waka
I see see see
So I waka waka waka...

I waka many business anywhere in Africa
I waka many business anywhere in Africa
North and South them get them policies
One Christian and the other one Muslim
Anywhere the Muslims them they reign
Na Senior Alhaji na him be Director
Anywhere the Christians them they reign
Na the best friend to Bishop na him be Director
It is a known fact that for many thousand years
We Africans we had our own traditions
These moneymaking organizations
Them come put we Africans in total confusion

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)...

Waka, waka, waka!

So I waka waka waka
I go many places
I go government places
I see see see
All the bad bad bad things
Them dey do do do

Look Obasanjo!
Before anything at all, him go dey shout:
"Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, Almighty Lord!"
"Oh Lord, oh God!"
And them do bad bad bad bad bad bad things

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)
By the grace of Almighty Lord
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)

I say, look Yar'Adua!
I say, look Yar'Adua!
Before anything at all, him go dey shout:
"Habba Allah, habba Allah, habba Allah!"
"Habba Allah, habba Allah!"
And them do, yes yes
And them do bad bad bad bad bad bad things

Through Mohammed our Lord
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)
By the grace of Almighty Allah
(Amen, Amen, Amen!)

Waka, waka, waka!

So I waka waka waka
I go many places
I go government places
I see see see
All the bad bad bad things
Them they do do do

Them steal all the money
Them kill many students
Them burn many houses
Them burn my house too
Them kill my mama

So I carry the coffin
I waka waka waka
Movement of the People
Them waka waka waka
Young African Pioneers
Them waka waka waka

We go Obalende
We go Dodan barracks
We reach them gate o
We put the coffin down
Obasanjo dey there
With him big fat stomach
Yar'Adua dey there
With him neck like ostrich
We put the coffin down

But them take am!

Them no want take am
Them no want take am
Who go want take coffin?
Them must take am
Na the bad bad bad things
Wey they don do
Them no want take am
Obasanjo grab am
Yar'Adua carry am
Yes, them no want take am
Obasanjo carry am
Yar'Adua tow am
Them no want take am
Them no want take am

E dey for them office
E dey there now now now now now
E dey there now now now now now
E dey there now now now now now
E dey there now now now now now...

But them take am!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

TR8: pre-production is on di way

Whatup? I've been off-line fo a long time so...sorry, sorry (just like the Femi Kuti song, check out the TR8 video rotation). I've been busy working on new projects that will arise in the next months, hopefully involving all of you out there! : )
I am starting the TR8 pre-production: this means I am churning out content, if you would like to be part of this process, please lemme know.
Please Enjoy the TR8 video rotation!

Lotta Luv,

Thursday, January 08, 2009

All You Gotta Do Is Say YES!


This is A Message from The Mother: She Told Me to Tell My Brotha & Sista She Loves You.
I am tired of politics and one way-partisan view of the world and life in general.
I don't wanna be right. I just wanna Peace in this world.
I am tired of NO statement. I Just Wanna Say YES.
As a Man, I turn my eyes to Women and their unique Love Vibes.
In this Issue Seven of TRIBAL REALITIES I am working on such theme.
In every civilization, in every culture, in every language, in every life...
there is nothing stronger then the Love of a Mother for Her Child.
And I think we all gotta start again from the top.
And proceed through our lil' lives.
With Love.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

War Is Useless.

I don't wanna b there.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

New Hopi Prayer


"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is THE HOUR. And there are things to be considered...

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and
will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time
in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Oraibi, Arizona
Hopi Nation

Let Goodness Prevail Among All Human Beings!

I am watching tv headlines, and I don't like what I see. And You?
The report below tells the story of daily living in Gaza.
How can we solve this situation?
Ali Abunimah in his book One Country, bravely proposes a solution.
Consider the following document The Gaza Strip: A Humanitarian Implosion
What is your opinion?

Where did the Love go?
I am performing Yajna and Shamanic Rituals.
I Want Human Beings to Find Love in their Hearts.
Let Goodness Prevail Among All Human Beings!