TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Bologna June 8-14, 2009

Monday, January 22, 2007


Marco Spada (2007). Bamboozal, acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm.

Full-ness of Empty-ness?

Marco Spada (2007). Fish and Wisteria, mixed media on Fabriano paper (30x40cm.

Discovering the Full-ness of Empty-ness.


Marco Spada (2007). Navigators, mixed media on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).


Marco Spada (2007). Delfini. (Detail)

Marco Spada (2007). Delfini. mixed media on Fabriano paper(30x40cm).

Yuku mizu ya nani ni todomaru (How to stop Running Water?)

Marco Spada (2007).Yuku mizu ya nani ni todomaru (How to stop Running Water?), acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).
Yeah, How can we stop Running Water? We can Just Flow with It!
Paradigm Shift: from Command & Control --> to Let It Flow, Baby!

Descent on Planet Earth

Marco Spada (2007) Discesa sulla Terra, acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).
The Sacred Bird: from the Sun is landing on Earth to Become a Human Being.
Sky and Earth are Breathing Together in my lungs.