TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Bologna June 8-14, 2009

Friday, December 19, 2008


Colours Blend,
Raw Visions from Higher Planes of Consciousness Arise
To Express Genuine Inner Core Vibes...These Are TRIBAL REALITIES!

Brand New Video is now on-line:
1)see widget above
2)check out SAIselecta You Tube Channel


Monday, December 15, 2008

TR6: New Frontiers!

The Warrior above represent the struggle for freedom & identity of native cultures, ancient traditions, ancestral knowledge. Each and every one of us has the chance to go back to its Roots, discover the Higher Self and unleash the Tribal Realities' Powers!
These are the New Frontiers.
I am a Shaman. I am helping You to do all this process through my magazine, my artworks, my music, my videos...sending Hi-Energy Vibes of Love!
Fresh Vibes from the Pacific Planet: this is TR6...a primitive issue packed with the raw visions of hi-tech paintings...West Papua New Guinea Aotearoa Marquesas Islands...

jump here
download the pdf file and enjoy Your Tribal Realities!


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Betta Mus Come!

TRIBAL REALITIES production presents...

Whenever dark clouds appear in the Sky of Your Life,
Reach out for Your Personal Sun of Joy, Power & Bliss.

I've just composed, performed & produced
my brand nu track + my brand nu video:
Betta Mus Come
Leveragin the Almighty Powa of Dub Reggae Vibez,
Let Your Personal Sun Radiate into Your Life!

Betta Mus Come,

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Fresh Vibez from de Pacific Planet!


These Soundz Fall Into My Mind...
While um writin TR6 I need some FRESH vibez and about you?
Mista SAIselecta brings you brand nu fresh vibez from the Pacific Planet:
check it out on the TR6 Video Rotation (above)
or on SAIselecta YouTube Channel

Lotta Luv, DrumBeatz & Tribal Tattos

Saturday, November 29, 2008

TRIBAL REALITIES presents...Free West Papua!

I am writing TR6...
I've recently produced a video called Free West Papua because I want to tell you the story of Papuans and their struggle for freedom against the illegal occupation of their land by Indonesian government and big business as RioTinto and BP.
Why am I telling all this to you?
Because Papuans struggle for their lives, their lands, their civilizations is our struggle to preserve our civilization, our culture, our traditions, our REAL economies against that global corpocracy of FAKE economy, predation and greed.
Industrialized civilization forced us to think we are disconnected from everything else. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. They tell us to expand our minds and live our lives in a Cartesian way i.e. separating body from mind, matter from energy, black from white.
But we know the world is much more complex that that.
Indeed, everything is connected to "everything else".
We Are All Related: Mitakuye Oyasin.
Indeed, I exist because I am related to.
Body is Mind is Soul. Matter is Energy. Black is White.
Each country has its own culture & traditions.
We gotta go back to our roots, our traditions, our millenary way of life.
It is time we skip Cartesian approaches, elevate Our-Selves to Supramental Knowledge,
establishing dense connections to THAT "everything else"

We gotta learn from Papuans: a civilization highly integrated with THAT "everything else". A civilization wiser than the industrialized world.
This is why I am supporting the Papuans.
Visit for more info: December 1st is West Papua Independence Day!
On December 1st I am Raising my Freedom Flag. How about you?

Stay Tribal, Stay Real!

Friday, November 28, 2008

But today there is something hysterical in the air...

I am trying to understand what's going on in this world.
Everything is confused.
Reflecting about the Mumbai terrorist attack,I keep askin My-Self:
who profits from all this?
I think about the old adage
"cui prodest scelus, is fecit"
i.e. "Done by the one who profits from it."
cioè "colui al quale il crimine porta vantaggi, egli l'ha compiuto".
Who profits from an India-Pakistan (nuclear)conflict?
Who gains from a civil war between Hindu & Muslim inside India?
Civil War,
Religious Conflicts...

" But today there is something hysterical in the air..."
I shivered, then a precise page(41-42) of Salman Rushdie masterpiece Midnight's Children,came to my mind.Rushdie effectively depicted the irrational and subhuman behaviour of a violently enraged crowd, moved by hate,prejudice & false assumptions.
I don't want this to happen again!

We gotta open up our eyes. Change our mind-sets. And fight terrorism. United.
Love You All,

Thursday, November 27, 2008

We Are All Bharatiyas!

स्वस्तिर्मानुषेभ्यः svastirmānuṣebhyaḥ

Bharat (India) is a State of Consciousness.
India gave me so many challenges and chances to learn about My-Self, unleash my full potential, expand my leadership and live a better life, everyday.
My training in Prasanthi Nilayam, under the guidance of my Guru,
Sathya Sai Baba,was hardwork, discipline & the willpower to persist.
It has been a turning point in my life.
Therefore I am thankful to Baba. Therefore I am thankful to Bharat.
In this time of threat, rage and sorrow, I am sending All My Love to Bharat.
And I wanna consider My-Self as a Bharatya.
How about You?

"Bharat" denotes the entire human family.
“When we refer to Bharat, the term is not related to any particular individual, country or circumstance. Although many different derivative meanings have been given to the term by different authorities, these are only their individual interpretations…

‘Bharathi’ denotes Goddess Saraswathi who is the Vaakdevata (Goddess of Speech). Hence every man born with the gift of speech is a Bharatiya. The name is not associated with any particular individual or country. The term ‘Bharatiya’ is applicable to the entire human family. "Bha" refers to the Principle represented by Divine Knowledge. "Self-knowledge" is "Bha." "Bharatiyas" are those who take delight in Self-knowledge. Hence everyone who shines by his own self luminous power is a Bharatiya.

Bharatiya (Indian) is one who acquired divine strength by Atmabalam (the power of the Spirit). So, whoever one may be, whatever one's country, he has to acquire this strength of the Spirit.”

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
23rd of November, 1990

Full discourse & further info here...

Enjoy the Brand Nu TR6 Video Rotation (above)
Lotta Luv,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

TR5: Human Beings!

TRIBAL REALITIES Issue Five is now on-line!This issue deals with Change, Recession and New Patterns of Evolution, opening up new vistas: Uganda, India, Japan, Jamaica... with the stunning contributions of Paul Bigirwa and Aras Alkis.

Seek Opportunities.
Recession is a Chance to Change.
The World has New Vibes.
And a New US President.
Discover Your Roots and Radiate Love for...
...We Are All Human Beings!

Stay Tribal! Stay Real!
Lotta Luv & Good Vibez,

DISCLAIMER: Dear Reader(s), for better and relaxed reading, please DOWNLOAD the PDF file: the on-line iPaper format sometimes doesn't give back the REAL impact of TR5(aka, it sucks!hahaha).

Monday, November 10, 2008


In TRIBAL REALITIES ISSUE FOUR I raised controversial issues such as Bio-Piracy, Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs), Terminator Seed techs (V-GURT), Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) on life-forms and, through my artworks and excellent contributors I stated our Love for MOTHER u remember my massive Vandana Shiva quote?
In the end of October 2008 she was back to Italy to attend TERRA MADRE.
TERRA MADRE, organized every year by Slow Food in Torino (this is the ITALIA I like!) "brings together those players in the food chain who together support sustainable agriculture, fishing, and breeding with the goal of preserving taste and biodiversity".
Vandana Shiva participated in a panel where she discussed a new "Manifesto on Climate Change and the Future of Food Security". check it out...SHOW & PROVE YOUR TRIBAL REALITIES

Take a look at this article, too.
Plus, watch Vandana Shiva's interview (spanish/english)at TERRA MADRE 2008 (above).

Nel Numero Quattro di TR mi sono concentrato su argomenti controversi quali gli organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM), la tecnologia dei semi Terminator(V-GURT), il brevetto sulle forme di vita(TRIPs) e, in generale, la necessità di irradiare Amore verso Nostra Madre Terra. Vi ricordate la mia citazione di Vandana Shiva ? Bè, Lei è tornata in Italia, come vice-presidente di SlowFood per partecipare a TERRA MADRE (questa è l'ITALIA che me piace) e discutere il MANIFESTO SUL CAMBIAMENTO CLIMATICO E IL FUTURO DELLA SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE e firmate la petizione sul Futuro dei Semi!

Firmate le petizioni qui:

Staveti Bene : )

Monday, October 27, 2008

You can talk de talk but will you walk de walk?

Politician can u make the right decision for all of us?
You can talk de talk but will you walk de walk?

While I am meeting my contributors,receiving feedback & suggestions,writing/Beta-testing this issue 5, US elections are taking place and Italy is in the midst of political conflicts over key issues such as education, economy and democracy. Therefore it came out naturally to listen to this lovely tune from a fresh reggae band called Kora...they are from Aotearoa (New Zealand) and they're definitely dub...wise! Enjoy the video (above)!

Your Friendly Neighborhood,
Marco Katana

Friday, October 17, 2008

mkatana in phull fx: Beta-testing Issue Five!

Uey! I am actually Beta testing Issue Five among all TRIBAL REALITIES aficionados & aficionadas, we'll be on-line pretty soon.
In the meantime, enjoy new videos (watch YouTube above)ranging from Gordon Gekko's "Greed is Good" creed, to John Carpenter's "They Live" to Nouriel Roubini talking about U-shaped recession...and, of course,
The Wile E Coyote Government animation.
Any questions? I hope many...

Zee Ya Zoon,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Money Greedy!

US financial meltdown?
If you really wanna know what's going on check out the resources provided by financial journalist Max Keiser.
In the meantime, watch Tricky's "Money Greedy" video (on TR5 video rotation, widget above)...few lyrics of the song are the following...

Trample on my
Trample on my soul
Kill me with a quickness
Trample on my soul
Kill me with a quickness
Trample on my soul

Money greedy
I trust you over all
Money greedy
I trust you over all
You trample on my soul
You trample on my soul
You trample on my soul

Donde este bien je taime
I be dead when Im strong

Ghetto traps didnt trap me, I got out
Security social
Standing in government lines
Standing in government lines
Standing in government lines

Money greedy
You trample on my soul
You trample on my soul
You trample on my soul

Kill me with a quickness
I guess its strictly business
You kill me with a quickness
I guess its strictly business


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We are living an Age of Great Changes and Chances.

We are living in an age of great changes and chances.
The chance to develop the noble quality of Love.
The chance to change the status quo and live in a better world.
Enjoy the TR5 videos, while I am working on this new issue of
Tribal Realities magazine. Grazie!

Lotta Luv & DrumBeatz,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ritorno alle Origini. Back to the Roots.

Ho appena terminato la conduzione del training residenziale di crescita personale "Ritorno alle Origini. Back to the Roots".
Conoscenze Millenarie ed Hi-Tech si sono sinergicamente miscelate per catalizzare l'evoluzione di splendide persone!
Dal Profondo del Mio Cuore...Grazie a Tutti i Partecipanti.

I've just successfully completed the residential training of personal growth
"Ritorno alle Origini. Back to the Roots".
Ancestral Knowledge and Hi-Techs blending together to catalyze the evolution of amazing persons.
From the Bottom of My heart...a HUGE Thank You to All the Participants.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

TR5: Churning!

TR5 inna pre-production stage: churning all together the Visions, Verses and Vibes from higher dimensions. While we work to deliver you a brand new issue enjoy the TR5 Video Rotation. Zee Ya Zoon!

Enjoy Your Summer Time!

Hey! How's going thereeee? I've just produced anotha a brand new track, so jump here and enjoy your Summer Time!
Tracks are also available in a mixtape: check out the Deck-O-Rator widget up there.
Ciaooooooooo : D

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Experience That Sublime Moment

If you enjoyed TR4, its illustrations and contributors...then take a look at El Sublime Instante, where you can enjoy the unique works by Paty Ortega and Carlos Reyes: experience that sublime moment of enlightment when you realize your true Self!
Recovering that primitive, inner awareness of being here and now.
Tribal Realities, anyone?

In addition, you can jump to Patricia Ortega personal blog Jardin de Luz (in progress)where you can find her personal dimension of photographic visions...


Thursday, July 10, 2008

TR4: Viva Mexico!

Que onda?
Click here...TR4 is finally on-line, featuring the stunning contributions from multimedia producer Franz Borja-Hernandez(Mexico), award-winning artist Paty Ortega(Mexico) & photographer Silvia Superbi(Italy).
In this issue we are going back to the roots of Ancient Mexico, discovering our Love and Respect for Mother Earth.We are going to deal with controversial issues like Columbus discovering of the New World, Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Terminator Technology (V-GURTs), the end of Tenochtitlan and the rising of the New Sun, Tonantzin and Green Powa.
We wanna be In-Dios: tuning our-selves to universal vibez and act accordingly.In other words, be free and live in joy!

Que Dios Los Bendiga,
Marco Katana

picture above: El Niño Radiante, Vibrating Energy in the whole Universe

Monday, June 30, 2008

Back to the Roots. Ritorno alle Origini.

Pensa Globalmente, Agisci Localmente, eh?
Ho deciso di lanciare una promozione estiva all'interno del processo "Ritorno alle Origini" che costituisce la vera essenza di Tribal Realities...coinvolgendo prima di tutto gli attori e le comunità locali più vicine a me.
Vi invito a beneficiare della session gratuita di orientamento che vi introdurrà ad una migliore comprensione del mio personale modus operandi e ad informazioni più dettagliate su sessions individuali, stages e workshops che si svolgono nel mio casale nel Cuore Verde dell'Umbria: Collelungo, San Venanzo (TR).

Vi Ringrazio,

Think Globally, Act Locally, uh?
I decided to launch a summer promotion within the "Back to the Roots" process, wich represent the inner core of Tribal Realities ...primarily involving the local stakeholders & communities around me.
Please take advantage of the free orientation session introducing you to a better understanding of my personal modus operandi and to more detailed info on one-to-one sessions, stages and workshops provided in my casale located in the Green Heart of Italy: Collelungo, San Venanzo (TR).

Thank You,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

TR4: Beta-testing

I am Beta-testing TR4 with my dream team of friends/readers/contributors.
I am fixing the bugs, introducing new contributions, further developing the main themes.
I am receiving good feedback.Grazie!
The final release will be on-line soon.
Thank You.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Marco Spada on Fine Art America

Guagliò comme staje?Whatup?

I am currently exhibiting & selling on-line some of my original works,
some of them previously appeared on TR mag
some are brand new and never check 'em out!

Jump to

Ooops! gotta go back to work in the atelier: a new set of canvases
and nu acrylix on brown paper...Tribal Realities in phull FX!

Woo Hah!
Marco Katana

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mitakuye Oyasin: new BIGGER layout

Time to change. Again.
I am expanding, starting new activities,adding more widgets, links etc. so I need more space!
I decided to change a bit the blog's layout, stretching it out, in order to give my readers a more confortable view of
all my productions.
How does it look like?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

TR4: editing Beta Zero!

Que pasa? I am editing TR4 Beta Zero with my talented friends Franz & Paty:
this issue is going to explore Mexico,
it's gonna be dedicated to Pachamama (Mother Earth),
and it's gonna deal with Latin America.
Stay tuned for the forthcoming Beta releases : )
In the meantime enjoy the videos we are watching while working hard to make TR4 sky-rocketing!

To see the videos...
Just press play on the widget up there
or jump directly to SAIselecta YouTube profile

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TRIBAL REALITIES: Issue Three is on-line!

The Beta-testing process is finally done,
I would like to express my warmest thanks to all of you out there!
Plus a special thanks to all my talented contributors: çak beş!

Please just click on the link in the upper right corner of this page,
sit back and enjoy fullscreen TR3 Beta5, special issue on TURKEY!
I am waiting for you comments on this blog,
and/or on facebook TRIBAL REALITIES group,
and/or on scribd TR group
See the Whirling Dervish on the cover?
The Acension has just begun...Unleash Your TRIBAL REALITIES!

Your Friendly Neighborhood,

Thursday, March 27, 2008

TR ISSUE Three: editing Beta release(s)

Merhaba!I am back from Turkey where I had amazing chances to dive into the ancient culture of a modern country: meet old & new friends! Naturally, I am now selecting & organizing all the raw materials I got back from my experience. Plus I am painting new mixed-media canvas and acrylics on cardboard. And promising sinergies make me think this issue is gonna be amazing. I am currently editing the Beta release(s) of TR3, thus if you got pics, art, video, music, stories/poetry about Istanbul & Turkey...please let me know about it!
Sending Hi-NRG Vibes,

Thursday, March 06, 2008

TR ISSUE Three: Going East!

I am on the road again: going East...painting,writing, filming, other words I am editing a new issue of TR magazine.
So, stay tuned for moreeee!
In the meantime enjoy this classic....vroOOom!
That's All Folks!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

TR Issue Two: End Gun Violence NOW!

Ciao a Tutti,
I've just published TRIBAL REALITIES Issue Two:
it is an instant issue on gun violence.
Instant because the NIU campus shooting is a tragedy.
It is time we start asking ourselves
what is the world we wanna live in.
Check out TRIBAL REALITIES Issue Two...
Enjoy these thought-provoking visions and let your heart fuel the change in Your-Self.


Monday, February 04, 2008

TRIBAL REALITIES Issue One is here!

Dear Readers,
check out the latest release of TR Issue One:
mind-blowing content for your soul!
Just click on your right...and jump to anotha dimension.
Lemme know your feelings.
In the meantime, I go back to wallz bombin' : )

Lotta Luv,

Friday, January 25, 2008

TRIBAL REALITIES magazine is on-line!

It's hot and it's here, the final release of
TR magazine Issue Zero is finally on-line!
Just click on the Scribd icon on your right to
1) view it fullscreen,
2) download it as a pdf document
3) or check out my Scribd profile.
a HUGE GRAZIE to all my Beta testers, fan and friends...I LOVE YOU!
And now I am going back to edit Issue One.Stay Tuned!
Sending Good Vibes,
