TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Bologna June 8-14, 2009

Friday, November 02, 2007

New Challenges, Tribal Realities

Once again, diz iz it, turn it up!
A new challenge, a new chance: I am developing a new project calledTRIBAL REALITIES which is literally snowballing more and more every-single-day, involving creative people from all around the world.
Skip mere cerebral status quo, challenge Your-Self and
let your Heart speak up.
Check out my new massive T-shirts here and bring out your tribal attitude!More items on the way, this is just the beginning, baby!
Lotta Luv,

Monday, October 29, 2007

My Favourite Reflection

This world wide web is amazing!
Makes you wanna share visions with your favourite kindred spirits
and creatively co-develop the former with the latter inna click of the mouse style.
Check out my friend Aras blog where soccer, poetry and real life blend into an original straight-to-the-point writing style.
Commenting my Full-ness of Empty-ness post and related mixed media work, he came up with interesting insights.
Check it out!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Small Things are plenty of meaning...

"Things of great concern should be treated with lightness.
And things of small concern should be taken very seriously."


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Framing a Vision

I think the key to success in life is about the willpower to persistently and consistently frame one's vision.
Make it happen. Everyday.

this is my latest LandArt installation, it is called Shakkei.
Shakkei is one of the ancient principles of the Japanese Art of Gardening.
It may be translated into English with the term "borrowed scenery".
Japan was a life-changing experience to me.
Hence, Japanese civilization keeps on inspiring me.
Nature inspires me and teaches me.Continuously.
My personal vision is that Nature is a Divine Work of Art. How about yours?

Monday, August 20, 2007

SAI (Search And Improve) Studios

Yeah!This summer sooo many things happened in here...more when I am gonna see y'all for real. Yesterday it was my bday and I have been playing all the day...back and forth against the needle, t-table to mixer... to synth to tabla to piano.
Now I am playing REAL piano for REAL.
Tuning to Higher Vibes, seeking the Ultimate Frequencies inna SAI "Search And Improve" style!Where?
There!There it is my lil' fancy studio!
Lotta Luv to my friends from India and Indiana.

See me above? I am looking for that Ultimate Frequencies...
Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu. ... May all the beings in all the worlds be happy.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hate It Or Love It, I Do My Thing. And Pretty Loud.

Whazzup everybody?
I am chilling here in San Venanzo. Working pretty hard and I just produced a new song - originally composed to celebrate my friend Nyasha's graduation - which, right now is in the international charts at

You know, sometimes it is so hard to get feedback from people around you. Now I got honest reviews from professional musicians. Definitely.
Hence, I can better understand my strong/weak points and improve...inna "ready, steady, evolve and solve" style.

So, once again, a new chance/challenge. A new playground. It's been several years since I realized the main pattern of my life:
"I am coming from far away, I am going far away".

And I chose to follow My Path. Some people find it irritating, some people support me.But, you know,
Hate it or Love it, I Do My Thing. And Pretty Loud.

Future is moving from 'Here' to 'There'.
On a Fast Track.
Evolution. Paradigm Shift.
Ready, Steady, Evolve and Solve.
I Guess 'There'is Where I Wanna Go.
and Show & Prove My Voice, My Choice, What I am, Understand?

If you like my music, please jump to
and click on the iLike this artist orange button to the right.
You can download my tracks directly into you iTunes!

Lotta Luv,
SAI selecta

P.S. See my fingers in the pic? M is for MidWest...BooYakasha!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life is So Good!

Hey! Life is so good in here. And peace-full!I am working hard and focus on my projects and goals. Hope to meet you all real soon. Stay Tune!

Ciao!Si vie proprio bene qui. In Pace. Sto lavorando sodo e concentrato sui miei progetti & obiettivi. Spero di incontrarvi tutti presto. Rimanete Sintonizzati!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Taxus Baccata: Mission Accomplished!

Ciao a tutti!
MI sono trasferito nel mio casale (Todi)e mi sto godendo le bellezze della Vita in campagna, tra le quali, piantare un nuovo alberello che crescerà longevo e possente per molti molti anni. In letteratura ho trovato diversi esempi in questo senso:in Europa ci sono diversi esempi di taxus b. con più di 1500 anni di età, e nel Derbyshire ne esisteva uno la cui età era stimata, nel 1897, di circa 2096 anni!Dunque, penso che il nostro bell'alberello abbia buone possibilita di sfidare secoli,millenni ed eoni, che ne dite?

Special Thanx to Special friends: Alessandra, Laura, Manuela & Silvia!

Hi everybody!
I am finally enjoying country-Life and now I got a brand new tree, see?
Long life to this wonderful Taxus B.!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ready, Steady, Evolve!

Hi everybody,
right now I am almost at the very end of my corporate experience in Rome: a dense and deep full immersion in corporate dynamics and culture.
I wanna thank everybody that I met along my journey, and Thank All for all the teachings and take-aways I come out with. Grazie.
Now, it is time to move and evolve to new challenges and consciousness.
Now it is time to set new goals and plan brand new Ventures.
Every end is a beginning, noh?
In the meantime, I am gonna take a break...
See You Real Soon!

P.S. Special thanks to my friend Ciccio!

Ciao a Tutti,
al momento ho quasi terminato la mia esperienza aziendale a Roma: una densa e ricca immersione nelle dinamiche e nella cultura aziendale. Voglio ringraziare tutte le persone che ho incontrato lungo il mio cammino per gli insegnamenti che ho ricevuto e capitalizzato. Grazie.
Ora è tempo di cambiare ed evolvere verso nuove sfide e consapevolezze.
Ora è tempo di definire nuovi traguardi e pianificare nuove Imprese.
Ogni fine è un inizio, no?
Nel frattempo, mi prendo una bella vacanza...
A Presto!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Marco Spada (2007). Bamboozal, acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm.

Full-ness of Empty-ness?

Marco Spada (2007). Fish and Wisteria, mixed media on Fabriano paper (30x40cm.

Discovering the Full-ness of Empty-ness.


Marco Spada (2007). Navigators, mixed media on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).


Marco Spada (2007). Delfini. (Detail)

Marco Spada (2007). Delfini. mixed media on Fabriano paper(30x40cm).

Yuku mizu ya nani ni todomaru (How to stop Running Water?)

Marco Spada (2007).Yuku mizu ya nani ni todomaru (How to stop Running Water?), acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).
Yeah, How can we stop Running Water? We can Just Flow with It!
Paradigm Shift: from Command & Control --> to Let It Flow, Baby!

Descent on Planet Earth

Marco Spada (2007) Discesa sulla Terra, acrylic on Fabriano paper (30x40cm).
The Sacred Bird: from the Sun is landing on Earth to Become a Human Being.
Sky and Earth are Breathing Together in my lungs.